Hi all!
My hubby is travelling an hour and a half away for work today which means he will be near Jimmy the Greek! I love their food but I remembered that their salad dressing is made with some raw egg whites (im pretty sure) so my question is, is it okay to eat a small quantity of raw egg whites or should I stay away? For any who suggest to get it without the salad...it's my favourite salad!! Thanks for reading and responding :DMoms? 9 weeks pregnant...can I eat?10points!?
IF the eggs and cheese are pasteurized it's ok, but even if it's just a little of unpasteurized stuff it's not worth the risk - if salmonella is there it doesn't matter how much you have it's very very BAD.
Have your hubby ask if they make it with raw, unpasteurized eggs, and if the cheese is made with pasteurized milk (most soft cheeses in America are these days)
I have a 2 year old and when I was pregnant with her I did not know you can not eat raw egg and I had Haagan Daas cookie dough ice cream almost every weekend. I also eat eggs on toast with the yoke never fully cooked.
Now that I know this with my second pregnancy (I am 21 weeks) I try to avoid it and definitely dont eat raw cookie dough anymore but I still have eggs on toast every other weekend.
I dont want to tell you yes or not really cause I dont want anything bad to happen to you or your baby. but honestly women have been eating raw eggs for centuries while they are pregnant and it is a small risk but you have to decide if you want to take it?
Me personally I would have it maybe once but not all the time.Moms? 9 weeks pregnant...can I eat?10points!?
If it's made with raw egg whites then it's best not to eat it. No feta cheese either. I love greek food too but couldn't eat certain things while I was pregnant.
Your not supposed to eat raw foods or nothing like that nothing uncooked and ur supposed to wash ur hands alot
Not a good idea, its better to be safe than sorry.
No dont eat it
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